Alternative 3DM and ALI213 cracks available in NoDVD folder after installation, courtesy of Christsnatcher.All (but HD Textures) DLCs and Creation Kit v1.10.130.0 included Game version is v1.10.138.0 for all languages but Chinese and Japanese – those two weren’t updated after v1.9.4.0.Based on Fallout.4-CODEX ISO release: codex-fallout.4.iso (26,270,793,728 bytes).Filehoster: WorldSrc (NOT compatible with other mirrors)ĭiscussion and (possible) future updates on CS.RIN.RU thread Screenshots (Click to enlarge).

Filehoster: MultiUpload (10+ hosters, interchangeable) MULTi10.Remember, the keys to survival are a healthy mind, body, and spirit!NAVIGATING THE WASTELAND - If you do choose to go aboveground, we have provided an atlas of the surrounding area, with as much detail and information as possible, to satisfy your curiosity and dissuade you from ever venturing outside.*EQUIPMENT AND SURVIVAL GEAR - In the unfortunate event that you actually decide to leave the Vault, this manual provides schematics and data for the types of weaponry you may be inclined to use while fighting for your life. attributes with this handy poster pack from Vault-Tec. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller?s Collector?s Edition Survival Guide includes.EXCLUSIVE MAP OF THE COMMONWEALTH! This hardcover Vault Dweller?s Survival Guide comes packaged with a premium physical map of the Commonwealth that highlights important points of interest, valuable resources, and essential locations.VAULT-TEC POSTER PACK! Inspire yourself and your friends to improve upon their seven S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Read Online and Download Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide BY Prima Games